Thursday, April 2, 2009

Four Years

Today James and I celebrate four years of marriage. It feels like he has always been a part of my life and it is such an honor to be his wife. He always treats me with respect and is so careful to make sure I feel loved. He is so good at taking care of me--not only physically (financial, making sure I have a jacket when it's cold, etc.), but he is so good at looking out for me emotionally as well. He is so in tune with when I'm beginning to get run down and he will tell me to go take a break or a nap before I hit my crash point. I love him so dearly. Our children adore him; they know that they are a priority to their father. He gives them such focused attention and for some reason they obey him so well because of his special combination of "I'm serious" and "I love you so much". He is not the picture of the man I always dreamed of marrying, but he is better than what I had imagined. I always said that living in the suburbs with a white picket fence and two kids was my worst nightmare, but that's exactly where I am now and I love it. Life is so deep and meaningful--largely because of James vision for our family and for raising our children. He is a man who loves God with his whole heart and is willing to follow Christ regardless of outside influence or opinion. I love him so dearly. James, you are the biggest blessing that I will ever receive. I am thankful for you beyond words and I'm excited for many more anniversaries to come!

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